Friday, November 23, 2007

Turn your most cherished memories into a work of art

Do you have a favorite photo from a family vacation that just makes you happy to look at? Do you have a pet you love that you want to remember always? Is there someone in your life who's so special to you, you'd love to see them transformed into a work of art that you can look at every day?

This is a painting of my Mimi that was taken where we used to vacation years ago in California. It was painted as a gift to my grandparents, so they can always remember that special time and place.

I can take any photo you have that's special to you and turn it into a piece of art for you or for someone you love. If you'd like to order a custom color painting, I will need to use a photo as a reference. You can either e-mail me a very high-res photo, or you can send me an actual photograph work from. The photo needs to include all the detail that you would desire in the painting. As was the case with this painting of my Mimi, I can even combine photographs to achieve the effect you desire. For this painting, I used a photograph of her face combined with another photo of her body and the setting.

Ideas for custom color paintings:

Special Places
Family Portraits
Everyday life of a child/children
Still life painting of a something special
Painting of a house
Painting of a pet

If you have any questions or would like to place an order, you can contact me at

Sweet Dreams!

Coming Soon!